Our trip to Ireland

From 28 September to 5 October our class 6B embarked on a trip to Ireland. Although the weather wasn’t always perfect, we really enjoyed our tour through the green country.

We spent two days in Galway, visited the impressive Cliffs of Moher, and went hiking in the beautiful Connemara National Park, where we experienced a breath-taking view from the peak of Diamond Hill. The next four days we enjoyed our time in Dublin. There we stayed with our host families, who were all very caring and friendly. In the morning we could improve our English at a language school. In the afternoon we were given some interesting guided tours and – of course - could discover the city on our own. Finally, we took part in Irish dance lessons. In a nutshell, our language trip to Ireland was an unforgettable experience.6B students

On October 28th, 2019 the 6A and 6C classes departed from Vienna for an extraordinary experience.

From spooky castles to climbing mountains to stormy beaches to scary ghost tours – everything was included. We were introduced to everything Scotland has to offer and even the weather cleared up. We all enjoyed the time with the host families and are glad to say that every meal we had was surprisingly delicious. As the week passed we grew more and more attached to Scotland.

In conclusion we’ve learned a lot of English in Scotland and left with sorrow but appreciative faces.

Leonie, Melanie, Cornelis, Moritz and Vanessa (6A)

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