Wohin mit den Haarabfällen in Frisörsalons? Die französische Organisation „Coiffeurs justes“ hat dafür eine Lösung. Man füllt Strümpfe mit Haarresten und wirft sie bei Ölkatastrophen ins Meer. Im Wasser binden die Haare Öle und andere Kohlenwasserstoffe. Die Strümpfe können danach gewaschen und bis


Leider musste der Ski- und Snowboard Anfängerkurs abgesagt werden.

Erasmus+ is a student exchange program around Europe. It was founded in the year 1987 and was made for education, training, youth and sport combined. My English teacher, Ms. Nigitz, has looked via eTwinning, which is a special program of Erasmus, for a partner school. After a long search and much effort


One of the greatest weeks we have had this school year was the English Week. Every class had the amazing opportunity to spend a whole week with an English native speaker. We had a great time and the international teachers were truly awesome. They put much thought and passion into preparing all

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