One of the greatest weeks we have had this school year was the English Week. Every class had the amazing opportunity to spend a whole week with an English native speaker. We had a great time and the international teachers were truly awesome. They put much thought and passion into preparing all those projects and games for us, so that we could enjoy the week in every possible way. We did a lot of different and interesting activities such as creating our very own movie trailer, a scavenger hunt, and many other fun things.

I am glad that I had the chance to participate in the English Week and I can recommend it strongly. Afterwards, you might even be dreaming in English. I would like to thank the school for not only giving us the opportunity to see what it would be like if we only had to speak English for at least half the day, but also to improve our speaking skills so that we can become more confident in the world´s most important language.

Alexia Ciocan 4A

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